Thread: Who are you?
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Old 01-15-2004, 08:34 AM   #23
High School Varsity
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: New Hampshire, USA
1. What is your first name? Dave
2. What does your online name mean? Highschool nickname (whole family actuallly) - some bastardization of Fedolfi (last name)
3. What City do you live in? West Lebanon (if you can call it a city)
4. How old are you? 33 (on the 26th)
5. What team do you root for and why? Miami Hurricanes. My roommate my first year in HS (boarding school) was a big FSU fan. I wasn't into college FB so naturally started rooting for the Canes just to piss him off and it just kind of stuck.
6. What do you do for a living or are you in school? Manager of Software Development at an engineering firm (we're hiring if anyone's interrested)
7. How long have you been playing FOF? Since just before my first post here
8. How did you find out about this website? hmmm...bought TCY and was looking for sites that provided information about it (tips/strategies) and this was the only place.
9. Something interesting about you? Interresting? Hmmm...never finished college - that's about as interresting as I get.
Author of FOF Reporter and TCY Helper.
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