Thread: Who are you?
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Old 01-15-2004, 07:18 AM   #12
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: sans pants
1. What is your first name? Joseph, but I go by my middle name, Chris (short for Christopher).

2. What does your online name mean? It is shorthand for Suburban Films, a fake studio I ran in a game called Virtual Producer back in 99-00. The site has now morphed into I also ran an ad agency in the game and made a ton of fake movie posters, which you can see here.

3. What City do you live in? McLean, VA - a suburb about 8 miles southwest of DC. The CIA is about 5 miles from my house and I have fun fellow McLean neighbors like Colin Powell and Ethel Kennedy. Of course, they live in slightly nice neighborhoods than I do.

4. How old are you? 32. 33 in a few weeks. The age where fellow immature fat guys Chris Farley and John Belushi ate it.

5. What team do you root for and why? I am a die hard Washington Redskins fan. Growing up in central Virginia (around Richmond) there was that and NASCAR...and I just never really liked NASCAR.

6. What do you do for a living or are you in school? I am Director of Information Services for the Reinsurance Association of America - a trade association for the property and casualty reinsurance companies in the US. Reinsurance is insurance for insurance companies. Now you know.

7. How long have you been playing FOF? Since FOF2.

8. How did you find out about this website? A friend from Virtual Producer told me about the site. had just been sold to HSX and subsequently shut down and I was looking for something new. He told me about the game and the site and that was that...

9. Something interesting about you? My community service focus is blood donation. I do something called automated blood collection (abc) where they sit you in a big comfortable chair and hook you up to a machine that draws your blood, spins the platelets and plasma out of it, and then returns the blood to your body. At the end of the cycle the machine draws a donation unit of blood, so after about 90 minutes to 2 hours you have donated platelets, plasma, and blood. Because of my blood type and characteristics most of my donations go to newborn babies and infants.
Superman was flying around and saw Wonder Woman getting a tan in the nude on her balcony. Superman said I going to hit that real fast. So he flys down toward Wonder Woman to hit it and their is a loud scream. The Invincible Man scream what just hit me in the ass!!!!!

I do shit, I take pictures, I write about it:
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