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Old 01-27-2003, 04:50 PM   #40
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The War of Malaccan Sucession

July 12, 1474 - Champa declares war on Atjeh. China and Bengal keep the alliance, although Arakan and Assam dishonor it. That leaves a very impressive opening for an attack on Atjeh. I decide to wait a month or two before joining the war.

September 12, 1474 - The Atjeh fleet, such as it is, had loaded up some soldiers. Hopefully they are getting shipped off. I order 2000 calvary built in Jambi.

September 13, 1474 - We are full of colonists. I send one off to start a Trading Post in Pondicherry.

December 13, 1474 - Our trading post failed to establish.

February 5, 1475 - I contact the alliance that Atjeh is at war with. The leader of the alliance is Bengal. They really dislike me and refuse my alliance proposal.
With only a couple of diplomats left, and another coming, I decide to work it. I turn up my taxes for a few months to get some ducats in the treasury.

March 5, 1475 - I offer Bengal a Personal Gift of 77 ducats.

April 5, 1475 - I offer Bengal another Personal Gift of 77 ducats.

July 1, 1475 - After getting another diplomat, I offer to join the alliance. Bengal accepts. We are now at war with Atjeh and Myanmar. I order our fleet into the Straits of Malacca, and I order the Johor and Perak armies into Malacca.

August 4, 1475 - Battle in Malacca is joined. 7500 Atjeh troops stand between us and Malacca.

August 13, 1475 - We lost about 2000 men but defeated Atjeh and the siege for Malacca begins.

September 3, 1475 - Atjeh sends a peace envoy - they deamnd 27 ducats. I laugh. However, I do send out a Trading Post colonist to Pondicherry again. The first fialed and we are stocked up on colonists.

September 20, 1475 - The remnants of the army we just defeated try to dislodge us from Malacca.

September 23, 1475 - We completely destroy the remnants of the Atjeh army on the mainland. I send half of my Malaccan army to the boats. Bound for Atjeh province itself.

October 24, 1475 - I send my 6000 soldiers to Atjeh province.

October 28, 1475 - I send my 12000 Jambi soldiers into Riau to meet the Atjeh army of 15000.

November 16, 1475 - Our army in Riau begin combat. 15800 Atjeh infantry versus 5800 Mataram infanry and 6000 calvary.

November 23, 1475 - Castille annexed Portugal and we discover them. I offer a Trade Agreement but they decline.

November 28, 1475 - Our combined forces army defeats the Atjeh infantry. We lost around 3000 men.

December 1, 1475 - I am promoted to Marquis by the Monarch. We also discover Bangalore.

December 4, 1475 - We establish a trading post in Pondicherry.

December 22, 1475 - Our troops disembark into Ajeh where the 10000 Atjeh soliders, recently routed, stand. Battle begins in earnest.

January 8, 1476 - Our troops defeat the Atjeh in their capital. We lost 1500 men. January 9, 1476 - Atjeh sends another envoy. Heh.

January 26, 1476 - The 8943 Atjeh infantry are back in Riau. February 1, 1476 - We defeat Atjeh again. Myanmar offers a white peace, which I decide to accept.

February 28, 1476 - Another battle won as the Atjeh army keeps bouncing back and forth between my armies in Ajeh and Riau.

April 1, 1476 - We capture Malacca.

April 3, 1476 - Atjeh's infantry is again defeated.

April 5, 1476 - Atjeh armies are conscripted in Ajeh province. We fight them again

April 6, 1476 - A naval Battle ensues in the Straits of Malacca as the Atjeh navy of 5 warships and 5 transports arrives.

April 15, 1476 - We defeat the green Atjeh infantry in Ajeh.

April 21, 1476 - Atjeh infantry capture Jambi. Jambi had no walls so it was an easy capture for them.

May 13, 1476 - Sinking one of their warships, we force the Atjeh fleet away. I order my army from the mainland into the boats, then onto Ajeh to beige the province.

May 16, 1476 - Atjeh offers us 49 ducats for peace. I decline with a chuckle. I am going for Malacca and Riau, on my way to annexing Atjeh later. I will be the only power in the Indies.

July 3, 1476 - Our army unloads and the siege of Ajeh begins.

October 28, 1476 - The army in Jambi decides to head back towards Riau and we mix it up.

November 8, 1476 - We defeat Atjeh again.

December 26, 1476 - I join a naval battle versus Atjeh by the Chinese already in progress.

January 22, 1477 - Castille and Aragon are joined in wedding and Castille becomes Spain.

February 1, 1477 - Johor takes advanatge of a tasty opportuntiy and revolts.

March 1, 1477 - We take Riau. I order my army back into Jambi.

March 13, 1477 - Jambi's battle begins.

March 30, 1477 - We lose the battle with 5000 calvary remaining. Atjeh had only 250 infantry remaining - it was an excellent loss for us.

April 25, 1477 - Our army arrives back in Jambi. We crush the remaining Atjeh army. I send the Jambi army into boats for transport to Perak to pick up some infantry, then into Johor.

April 30, 1477 - We capture Ajeh. I send a diplomat to Atjeh. I demand Malacca, Riau, and 200 ducats. They accept, but they only had 10 ducats to give us.

We still have a bad reputation, so it's time for a little consolidation.


End Chapter Three
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