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Old 01-27-2003, 04:48 PM   #36
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Years of Consolidation

January 1, 1465 - I have gained a very bad reputation by taking Malacca's provinces. I need to consolidate my holdings in Malaysia. The first thing I do is move to concentrate on my economy and settlements. I send another settler off to Sumbawa. We have an 81% chance of success.

March 1, 1465 - We sucessfully colonized Sumbawa again. One more ought to do it.

March 6, 1465 - Portugese attempts to restablish a Trading Post in Sulawesi have failed.

June 28, 1465 - Our Royal Marriage with Cambodia expired. They reject my proposal for renewal.

Champa is at war with Cambodia, Dai Viet and Taungu. It's a shame I can't take advantge of that, but I geared up already and now I am geared down.

August 7, 1465 - Since I can't attack Champa, I decide to offer another Royal marriage which they accept. Now I can watch the carnage as Dai Viet stomrs through Champa.

November 2, 1465 - Dai Viet captures the Champan capital in Mekong Delta province.

January 1, 1466 - Another leader comes. Bhre Pandan Solar. Will these nobles never end? Bhre is poor at everything - war, diplomacy, administration.

February 1, 1466 - Colonists set forth from Bali to Sumbawa.

February 3, 1466 - Champa accepts peace with Dai Viet. They had to give up Da Lat province, some ducats and military access.

April 1, 1466 - Sumbawa becomes a full fledgled province.


1624 people work the coffee fields on this set of islands. They yield 13 ducats annually to me and another 11 to the Malaccan Center of Trade. Sumbawa is a port, but provides no additional manpower.

April 4, 1466 - I send two merchants to Shanghai.

May 3, 1466 - I offered an alliance with Champa but they declined.

July 15, 1466 - Atjeh defeted and destroyed the Malaccan army in Malacca. They do not have enough soldiers to siege Malacca. For now.

September 9, 1466 - We have had an uncooperative philosohper running around Mataram stirring up trouble. Do I imprison him, or let him reamin free? If I imprison him, we will beomce more narrowminded. If I allow him to remain free our stability will take a big hit and we will become more innovative.

I want to be more Narrowminded anyways, so I imprision the thinker.

October 11, 1466 - Our Royal Marriage with Assam expired.

October 29, 1466 - Assam enters a Royal Marriage with us.

November 1, 1466 - Johor revolts. Four days later they are put down.

January 1, 1467 - I reconvene our Cabinet. Where should our efforts go now? Saving up and building walls in new colonies? Colonizing another area? Building another army and striking Atjeh or Champa? Expanding trade?

I decide to ignore military conquest. I am getting older. A new person will be good to conquer with. We are under a bad reputation. If we get too bad, then other nations will declare war on us as a matter of honor. That will pass over time, but for now, let's steer clear of war. If however, war should find us, I intend to take full advantage.

Without war, there is no need for walls or other defenses. That leaves trading and colonization.

I decide to turn our attention to Shanghai and maximizing our trade there. Then, we will look at colonizing further.

A pair of merchants are dispatched to Shanghai.

Feburary 1, 1467 - Our trade in Shanghai is maximized for now.

May 12, 1467 - Portugese settlement in Sulawesi failed.

July 3, 1467 - I turn our attention towards Selatan. With Chinaware, 10000 natives, and a 40% initial chance of colonization, Selatan may be the best province out there right now. I dispatch our first wave of settlers.

September 3, 1467 - Our colonization attempt at Selatan has proven successful!

January 1, 1468 - I dispatch another settlernow with a 58% chance of success.

March 1, 1468 - Selatan expands.

May 13, 1468 - Good Government Policies have resulted in bonuses to trade and infrastructure investments. Excellent.

August 2, 1468 - More colonists leave for Selatan.

August 29, 1468 - Portugal fails again. My Minister informs me that we have about a 30% chance of starting a trading post on Sulawesi. Portugal probably has similar chances.

October 2, 1468 - Selatan expands.

November 1, 1468 - Brunei no longer has any revolt risk, making int completely safe. I send a fleet over to pick up the Brunei fleet and drop them off in Jambi - adjacent to Atjeh.

January 10, 1469 - Cambodia became vassals of Dai Viet.

January 23, 1469 - I send more settlers to Selatan. It's also time to re-examine our domestic policies. I decide, easily, to move us completely towards Quality. By moving completely towards Quality all of our field marshals now have an additional point in their Fire Value - which affect the troops ability during the fire stage of combat.

March 23, 1469 - Selatan expands.

June 1, 1469 - Perak revolts.

June 21, 1469 - We win the battle and crush the rebellion in Perak.

July 14, 1469 - Another groups of colonists leaves for Selatan.

September 14, 1469 - Selatan expands again.

January 2, 1470 - Another colonist leaves for Selatan. I hope they finish it off.

January 9, 1470 - I've taken ill. The doctor says that I'll be fine, but I wonder...


End Chapter Two
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