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Old 01-27-2003, 04:48 PM   #35
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The Mataram-Malacca War

I lost some stability by declaring war without a Casus Belli. inform my advisors to concentyrate efforts on getting that stability back.

I order our troops to land in Malacca province

Malacca immediately orders their troops in Perak back into Malacca.

December 10, 1460 - Battle is enjoined.

January 2, 1461 - Our armies defeat Malacca in their capital. We lay siege. I order 2000 calvary and 1000 infantry built in Jakarta to reinforce our armies in Malacca.

February 1, 1461 - A large Malaccan army is moving towards us.

February 8, 1461 - 606 wounded Malaccan soldiers enter Malacca and the battle begins.

February 15, 1461 - We defeat the 606 soldiers and completely annilihate them. A large army moves towards us.

February 16, 1461 - 396 wounded and tired soldiers enter Malacca and begin battle. This is an excellent move by Malacca, get our soldiers tired and weary of battle before the real one begins.

Febryary 18, 1461 - The full Malaccan army enters. 8713 infantry and 1189 calvary. We have more men, but they have the morale advantage.

February 25, 1461 - Our army is defeated, I order them to Johor. I will regroup there.

March 2, 1461 - After some deliberation, I decide to move the Brunei army to the Malaccan frent. I know that is a risky and ultimately bad move, but we need reinforcements. I dispatch a fleet to pick them up.

March 15, 1461 - Our army arrives in Johor and begins a siege. I send a diplomat to Ayutthaya and they agree to a Royal marriage. There are no Malaccan forces in Ayutthaya.

April 7, 1461 - Defying belief, Johor construct 1000 men, very green, and they defeat our army which is retreating back into Malacca. I will never understand military morale.

July 1, 1461 - The Brunei army and the Jakarta reinforcements unload into Johor. Johor is a small province, and our men will quickly die of attrition. I need to send the combined army into Malacca as soon as possible.

July 19, 1461 - I order the assembled Mataram armyies in Johor into Malacca.

August 7, 1461 - The battle between the best Mataram and Malacca can offer is taken up in Malacca. I summon my Minister of War

We have alomst 6000 calvary and 9000 infantry. Malacca has 11000 infantry but only 1200 calvary. Calvary could decide this battle.

August 13, 1461 - A quick battle is over. Mataram is victorius. We still have 5500 calvary, but we lost 3500 infantry. I do not knopw where the Malaccan army is off to.

September 2, 1461 - Our victory appears to have been one of morale. 9000 Malacca soldiers still stand, and more are being trained in Perak.

September 27, 1461 - I order a blockading fleet to Malacca.

December 4, 1461 - The Mallacans new recruits are trained and they begin marching towards Malacca province.

December 21, 1461 - The Mallacan general was smart enough to build calvary this time. We have about 1000 more calvary but 3000 less infantry.

January 1, 1462 - I order Jakarta build 1000 more calvary and 3000 more infantry to shore up our military.

January 7, 1462 - We defeat the Malaccan army. I order the fleet home to Sunda.

March 19, 1462 - Malacca is captured! Excellent. I will move the Jakartan reinforcements into Malacca then march on Perak.

April 1, 1462 - Our infrastructure and trade technologies both developed. We have learned how to build more Fine Arts Academies and we have learned how to build our own trading posts.

April 22, 1462 - A large segment of the Malaccan army arrives in Malacca province.

May 3, 1462 - We throughly trounce the Malaccan army of 7500, only 500 or so escape Malacca with their lives.

May 21, 1462 - 2000 green recruits from Malaccan try to fight us. We defeat them soundly.

June 1, 1462 - Our stability increased.

June 2, 1462 - Another small force of Malaccans - this time calvary, arrives to harass my dwindling army.

July 1, 1462 - Our Jakartan reinforcements have arrived in Malacca. It is time to march to Perak and end this Malaccan farce.

On the home front, I order a trading post setup in Selatan, and a colonist leaves.

August 10, 1462 - Our army enters Perak. Battle begins. Three days later we win and the siege of Perak begins. I leave behind a sieging force and take the rest back to Malacca province.

October 18, 1462 - The last Malaccan soldier has been killed. All that reamins is to capture Perak and Johor.

January 23, 1463 - An exceptional business year follows upon our capture of Malacca. We gain 100 ducats and lose -5% inflation.

April 13, 1463 - Perak falls to us. I also send a colonist to Sumbawa.

June 13, 1463 - Our colonization of Sumbawa failed. I send another colonist.

August 24, 1463 - Sumbawa expands.

October 1, 1463 - Our stability increased.

January 1, 1464 - I send more colonists to Sumbawa. I finish building a new army in Brunei of 6000 infantry and 2000 calvary.

March 1, 1464 - Sumbawa expands.

March 25, 1464 - Johor falls to my forces. I send a diplomat to Malacca.

Because Malacca has several provinces nad is not a pagan country, I cannot annex Malacca, despite my total ownership of the country. I demand the two other Malaccan provinces of Johor and Perak. I also deman Vassalization and 150 ducats.

They decline my offer.

April 1, 1464 - I am awarded the title of Count due to our success in the war with Malacca.

April 25, 1464 - I send another peace envoy. I lower our demands to 100 ducats, and they refuse.

June 8, 1464 - Another diplomat is sent to Malacca with the same demands - no dice.

July 9, 1464 - I try vassalization, the two provinces, and no ducats. I just want to see if the ducats are the hangup. They reject my offer. I decide to wait for a while befire i send the next offer.

October 22, 1464 - I demand 50 ducats, the two provinces and vassalization. Malacca accepts. I will leave the sieging armies in Johor and Perak in order to fight off any rebels.


South Malacca Penensula - 14471 people who fish, 13 ducats annualy for me but only 2 to the Malacca Center of Trade. Sunni and Malay. Does not add to my mapower. Johor is a port.


Also Sunni and Malay, Perak has 10220 people who fish as well. 12 annual ducats and 2 to the CoT in Malacca.

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