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Old 01-27-2003, 04:44 PM   #27
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Chapter 2 - Kasuri's Tenure - A Time of Change

What Atahari I realized was that his way of doing things was about to no onger work. He was wise enough to see that in advance.

My mentor was no ordinary man.

Still, his disagreements over my methods were highly caustic. He know in his head that things were changing, but in his heart, he still couldn't let go.

Upon my ascension to the post, the title was changed to Regent. Everybody knew who was in power, and Suhita was content to be a figurehead. His diplomatic skills were quite valuable, even if his ability in battle was poor.

I echo the goals of my predecessor. His desires for Mataram were:

1). Quickly expand. Either by colonization or conquest. Or a mixture of the two.
2). Establish economic stability.
3). Eliminate the Islamic competition in the Indies.
4). Establish an outpost on the mainland. This will have to be done by conquest.
5). Control all of Indonesia.
6). Drive out and keep out any forces or establishments from other areas, including Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
7). Convert the Islamic territories to Hinduism.
8). Become an economic superpower.

Many of these goals are long term. Again, I echo them, however, we are in a differnt place now. Goal number one was accomplished by Atahari. We have expanded tremendously under Atahari's 19 year "rule." Brunei, Sabah, Makassar, Jakarta and Flores are all full provinces that have come under Mataram rule. Add to that Kalimantan, a small colony, plus Bali and Surabaja which were the original Mataram. Yes, goal number one has been accomplished.

And we are financially stable. So goal number two is close to fruition. However, new problems have arisen. The Portugese have landed on Java, we have revolts in Makassar and possibly in Brunei as well.

We need a second army, at a bare minimum, to put down revolts in Brunei. And we need it now, not in a couple of years when we have the money.

The Portugese have slaughtered the natives of Sunda. We need to send a representative there now and claim it for Mataram - before it is too late. Not later, now.

As such, I will take a measure that Atahari would never have done except in the most grave circumstances - I am going to take a loan from the bank.

On other goals, for a mainland post I like Malacca or Champa. Champa is Hindu, thus allowed it to integrate into Brunei more easiy. Malacca is in an ideal economic situation, and I'd love to see it under Mataram rule. Those are my goals.

I echo Atahari's goals, but this is what I'd like to do in my lifetime:

1). Take Atjeh.
2). Establish that mainland post
3). Develop a capable military
4). Finish colonizing the islands of Java, Atjeh, Brunei, and Makassar, plus the island of Sumbawa.
5). Keep the Portugese threat minimal or non-existant.

And those are the goals I will personally work towards.

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