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Old 01-27-2003, 04:41 PM   #19
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The Brunei War of 1424-1427

Our goal in this war is to capture Sabah and negiotiate for it in a peace treaty. Gettins some gold would be nice as well. Hopefully we've caught Brunei with their respective pants down.

June 7, 1424 - Our forces land in Sabah. What I see is very interesting. There is no fleet in Brunei's harbor - nor no army on her land. I decide to march my entire army to Brunei from Sabah. We could keep a force behind in Sabah, but I know that the real battle will probably take place in Brunei, so I decide to move all of our forces there.

Our fleet is ordered back to Bali.

I wonder if the Brunei fleet set sail, and if they intend to battle us?

June 10, 1424 - The Brunei Fleets arrives in the Balabac Strait but we avoid each other on the waters and there is no battle.

June 25, 1424 - The siege of Brunei begins as our army arrives.

July 15, 1424 - Brunei builds 2000 men in Sabah. I believe they will try to build up an army to dislodge us from their lands.

August 12, 1424 - Our fleet returns to Bali. The Sabah foorces are moving. Are they boarding ships or coming to attack us in Brunei?

August 21, 1424 - The Brunei forces in Sabah have apparently boarded ships. I set the Bali fleet asail. We need to find them. I have no forces on Bali, Surabaja or Jakarta. I'd like to know where Brunei is going.

October 6, 1424 - Our fleet arrives in the Strait of Makassar, but no Brunei fleet is to be seen. I sail over to the Karimata Strait by Jakarta.

October 25, 1424 - Brunei captures the colony of Jakarta. I know where their fleet is now.

My question is whether they will try to keep the colony or send the soldiers elsewhere.

November 1, 1424 - We regain some of our stability lost by declaring war without a Casus Belli.

November 16, 1424 - Our fleet arrives in the Karimata Strait. The Brunei fleet is nowhere to be seen. Apparently they dropped off 2000 men in Jakarta and left.

December 2, 1424 - Brunei offers peace demanding 4 ducats. I laugh at them.

December 7, 1424 - While sending my fleet back to Bali, I ran into a Brunei fleet of 2 Galleys in the Java Sea. We engage in combat, and my fleet has the wind. Plus it's bigger. I hope to destroy or turn bac the Brunei fleet.

January 5, 1425 - Our naval engagement on the Java Sea is going very poorly for us. I send our fleet into the Surabaja Harbor.

January 18, 1425 - I invite Malacca to our alliance - they reject my proposal.

January 20, 1425 - I meet with my Miliary Advisor about the Brunei siege. He informs me that it is going very slowly. We have barely made headway. He suggests that we blockade Brunei with our fleet. That may help. Unfortunately, our fleet currently has its tail between its legs. After a whiel I might send it out.

March 2, 1425 - Brunei sends another peace proposal, this time demaning 20 ducats - our entire treasury. I decline with the head of their envoy decorating my garden and feeding scavengers.

Our Naval technology advanced. This should help our navies fight a bit better - which we will apparenty need.

I set our fleet sail for the Coast of Brunei.

The occupying soliders have left Jakarta. We can try to retake it, or just set sail and see what happens. I decide to allow Brunei to keep it for now.

I also order Surabaja to build 1000 men. I want them there in case I decide to pop over to Jakarta and retake my colony.

April 1, 1425 - Our stability is maximized. I agin move our intelligencia to infrastructure.

April 15, 1425 - Brunei lands their 2000 men in Surabaja. Not enough to come close to sieging it - they need 5000 for that purpose. Enoug to kill my 1000 men when they are tarined, however. I dispatc a Transport from my fleet to set sai for the Java Sea. I intend to send my soldiers to the ship when they arrive so that Brunei will not exterminiate them.

May 4, 1425 - Brunei sends yet another peace offer. This time I send them the hands and feet back.

May 7, 1425 - Our fleet arrives in Brunei. There is a fleet of 3 ships in their harbor. We wait.

May 11, 1425 - Our army in Surabaja arrives. They have a poor morale and are desperately outnumberd, but they will have to survive long enough for my transport to arrive.

May 16, 1425 - It didn't take long for Brunei to send our forces packing. They are fleeing into Bandung where angry natives wait.

May 27, 1425 - Our transport arrives in the Java Sea. 6 Brunei ships are here as well. I decide to land in Surabaja harbor with my transport.

June 10, 1425 - I send the fleet at Brunei back to Bali - they don't seem to be helping. Our army enters Bandung and the natives begin attacking. I order an immediate retreat, sending them into Jakarta.

June 24, 1425 - One of Mataram's greatest noble families has entered financial troubles. They demand our help. It will take 75 ducats to help them, and I do not want to take out a loan. As such, our stability drops by one.

July 2, 1425 - Our small army arrives in Jakarta and we have retaken our colony.

August 1, 1425 - Our Trade advances to level 1 and we can now send Merchants abroad. I immediately send a merchant to Malacca to open up some business. I can only afford to send one nright now. We make four a year, but since I cxan store a maximum of 6 merchants, I have 5 left after sending this one away.

August 14, 1425 - Our fleet arrives back in Surabaja. I immedaitely relaunch to see where Brunei has gone.

September 9, 1425 - Our fleet arrives in the Karamata Strait outside of Jakarta and runs into a Brunei transport. We engage in battle.

October 9, 1425, - One month later we sink the Brunei transport. We also steal their rutters. I check the map to see if we gained knowledge of anywhere. It looks like Brunei and us have the same maps already, because I don't see any additional areas revealed.

January 1, 1426 - We develop technology in land military. Our fleet was sent to the Coast of Brunei, and we are still not blockading it. With the new year, I send two merchants to Malacca to set up shop.

February 23, 1426 - Brunei is captured! I send our army back over to Sabah.

February 24, 1426 - Brunei offers peace for nothing. I let them know that I have other ideas for their country.

March 1, 1426 - Our infrastructure improves. I put all of our investigations into trade.

March 22, 1426 - While sailing home, I encounter another lone Brunei transport - this time in the Coast of Sarawok. I also run into a Chinese Explorer, Zheng He. That's bad news for us - Chinese colonists could be coming.

May 9, 1426 - We destroy the Brunei transport, but lost a Galley due to attrition.

June 24, 1426 - Brunei built 2000 calvary in Sabah. We enter into combat with them.

June 27, 1426 - Our fleet enters the Java Sea and spies another solitary transport. Battle ensues.

June 30, 1426 - We win a victory in Sabah and the Brunei forces are retreating into Brunei province.

August 13, 1426 - Brunei offers peace and demands all 6 of our ducats. I don't know what makes them think they can beat us, but it is quickly becoming less funny and more annoying.

August 21, 1426 - We destroy the transport.

February 15, 1427 - Brunei again sends off an offer of peace if only we give them all of the ducats in our treasury. I again laugh his messager off the palace walls and ontoa pointed stick.

February 20, 1427 - Our fleet arrives in the Coast of Brunei. Two Brunei Galleys are in our way. They have the wind, but I have more ships.

March 19, 1427 - Brunei sends another of those annoying peace offers for only a limited time.

April 8, 1427 - We win the naval engagement and destroy one of the Brunei galleys in the process.

April 22, 1427 - Another battle as the galley returns. They retreat a couple of days later.

May 4, 1427 - We capture Sabah! We have now captured the entier country of Brunei and have an impressive bargaining position.

I begin by demanding Sabah as tribute. I then also demand that Brunei become my vassal. Lastly, I demand 250 ducats to recoup my losses in the war.

Brunei rejects my kind offer. So I wait a month.

May 9, 1927 - Brunei sends a peace offer of Sabah and 91 ducats. I reject their offer. I want Sabah, ducats, and vassalization.

June 28, 1427 - I offer Brunei peace for Sabah, vassalization, and 150 ducats. They refuse.

August 3, 1427 - Same offer, but for 100 ducats. Another refusal.

September 3, 1427 - This time I demand Sabah and 100 ducats again - they accept this time.

And thus the Brunei war ends with Mataram gaining Sabah, some money, and gaining a vassal.

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