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Old 01-27-2003, 04:32 PM   #2
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
While I await the second FOF4 patch before continuing my FOF4/TCY dynasty, I look around for something more to do. I bought EU2 and played around with it. I have completed two Grand Campaigns, first as Trebizond, a Black Sea power with a claim to the throne of Greece. In the second campaign I played Oldenburg, a small German province in the heart of the Holy Roman Empire.

Both were challenges. And yet, I kicked the game's ass rather easily.

So, I am looking for a challenge. I will be playing the 400 year Grand Campaign for probably the final time. I look around the world map for a suitable place to begin.

It is an established fact on the EU2 boards than Benin, in Africa, is actually a really nice place to start. I say phoey on Benin. And all of Africa. I tried a game with the Zulus, just to see how it played. After three years I quit. They start with such a limited map, and no body they know of has a better map, so you cannot do anything until you meet explorers from other countries way later in the game. That's no fun.

North America is so, known, to me. I don't like it.

In the previous two Grand Campaigns, my people settled and explored South America dry. I know it well.

Trebizond raped the Middle East, so I know it as well.

Asia - that's the good stuff.

But what in Asia? I don't want to be sitting next to a bunch of territory I can easily take. Too easy, I've played that game. So, I head into the Indies, where they are a few countries, and a lot of unclaimed territory.

My options here are Atjeh, Mataram, Brunei, and Makassar. Makassar is the only one-province country - the others all have two provinces. Atjeh is a bit too close to the shore for my tastes.

I choose Mataram, for reasons listed below.

For those who are unfamiliar with EU2, allow me to help a bit. The Grand Campaign starts in 1419 and ends in 1819. 400 years of play will take weeks. Or lots of long sessions. I played Oldenburg in about 10 days. Trebizond took two weeks.

EU2 is a political, economic, exploration and military game. You can play it on any level.

I will be playing Mataram. A small country on the Javan isles.

But it is not enough to simply play as one of the most handicapped countries in the game. I want more. So I will role-play this puppy out. It should prove quite...


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