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Old 01-12-2004, 07:15 AM   #80
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Bay Hill Invitational - First Round Summary - Gary McCord

"Wow what a first day. Mays goes out and plays darts with the pins on the front and then I'll be darned if he didn't almost match it on the back. The playing partners Fuijita and Bywater - Oh my God. It was like (singing) "Anything you can do - I can do better." This is going to be interesting. The 3 players are definately in the drivers seat, but last week Gunner, Herd and Almighty were up early, and Gunner fell back before reestablishing his game and the lead, and Herd was caught by Silvers. It's early yet and with all that water and bunkers - especially the bunkers - since it seems a ball in the bunker equals a bogey with these guys - anything can happen. Unlike lask week, where it was pretty easy to predict who would miss the cut - this week it only looks like Fad "Incoming!" Braxton is going to have his work cut out. I have seen him on the driving range working on his game. Actually I've been watching him closely. I want to make sure I know where he is at all times to keep from being hit by one of his tee balls.

It's much too crowded and too early to project where the cut will be - at least with any confidence, but personally, I wouldn't want to be sitting on 4 under at the end of the day tomorrow."

Last edited by Breeze : 01-12-2004 at 07:16 AM.
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