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Old 01-08-2004, 04:15 AM   #23
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by Taur
I have taken the game off my computer so I could only find this screen about player ratings.

So, you are telling me that the average basketball fan would no what:

Abbr. - My best guess.
Psd? - Pass D?
Prd? - Pressure D?
Qkn? - Quickness?
Str? - Stretch?

QU: If I was going to run a high pressure D with lots of fast breaks and 3pt shotting I would not care if my players had a low Ins rating?

All I am saying is a simple glossary would of been a nice start. But, not including any kind of help system what so ever is almost unforgivable.

Peregine is correct with his transaltions.

As for your Q regarding strategy, if you were going to run a team like that, I'd say a high Ins scoring may or may not be important. I assume that it would make your guys less likely to miss the breakaway baskets. It will also cause your players to attack the basket a little more and draw fouls, but this doesn't sound like your itent with that offense.

I think most of the strategy option in FBCB tend to operate how I'd expect them to in real life. I wanted to run a half-court styled team that looked to attack the basket, while taking minimal amount of threes. So, I have my pace on 3, my 3pt shooting on 3, and my Offense Focus set to Inside. My team plays exactly how I had hoped.

Alternately, I had a team styled like yours previously. A Colgate team equiped with lots of athleticism and outside shooters, but a lousy offensive team outside of that. So I gave them a high pace (9), high 3pt shooting rate (8) and press and trapped my way through my seasons. We managed to put points on the board because we stuck to our strengths, which was getting the ball up the court and either taking it to the hoop or shooting the three.
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