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Old 05-10-2024, 10:43 AM   #6464
World Champion Mis-speller
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Covington, Ga.
My BIL had a situation a couple of months ago. A guy had been riding slowly on their street, and the man living four doors down noticed him. The guy's tire went flat, and he pulled over across from the dude watching him, to start changing it. My BIL's neighbor then decided to pull his gun out and confront the guy. The guy said he was just turning around, and he lived a couple of roads over from there, but the neighbor said he believed he was casing the place to rob it. He made the kid leave with his tire scraping the ground

The kid went home, and his parents called the police. All this happened around 7pm. At 11:30pm, the police started banging on my BIL's door. It freaked him out a little, and scared his wife to death. He threw some paints on and went down to see who it was. He does normally carry, but he decided he would see who it was before he pulled the gun out, thankfully. When he opened the door, the cops had their weapons drawn and made him come out of the house showing his hands. They started a accusing him of pulling a gun on the kid, but he told them he had no idea what they were talking about. When he finally got them to tell him what address they were looking for, it ended up they were at the wrong house.

The next morning, my BIL called the Sherriff, who he just so happens to be friends with. As a matter of fact, he is the chaplin to both the jail and the hospital. He told him how insane ot was for the police to show up hours after an incident in the middle of the night and start banging on random doors. He never heard them identify themselves. If he had answered that door with his gun in his hand, that whole situation would have end tragically.

The Sherriff apologized over the phone, and in writing. Both deputies also wrote apologies, and they had an office wide meeting on the incident. If this had been anyone other than my BIL, I don't think any of that would have happened.

Want to know why I have a pretty low opinion on open carry? Because morons like my BIL's neighbor shows how dumb some of those that carry are. He got all excited because he got to play cowbow and scare some kid. He still claims that kid was casing the street, but people who are planning robberies don't generally call the police.

Want to know why I think we have a problem with police? This story. Those cops were purposely trying to put a scare in that old dude, and nearly killed an innocent man in the process.

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Last edited by GrantDawg : 05-10-2024 at 10:43 AM.
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