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Old 05-02-2024, 11:24 PM   #174
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Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by SirFozzie View Post
Ah, ok. I apologize for laughing then.

My 2nd point does stand: For peace to break out, Hamas's views needs to be out of the picture (namely, that Israel doesn't have a right to exist and protect itself). And sad to say, the Palestinians seem to have welded themselves to Hamas's views.

It will be the work of generations to undo what current generations are doing (again, on both sides). The only thing I can compare it to (in my admittedly, limited world view) is The Troubles in Northern Ireland. BOTH sides need to stop fighting, but for both sides to stop fighting, both sides have to want to stop fighting.. and I just don't see that.

The problem is that neither side wants Hamas out of the picture. Israel supported them for years because it allowed them to avoid a 2 state solution. America likes them because it allows for endless supply of weapon sales and gives a justification for genocide.

You also have Netanyahu who goes to jail when this is over. Peace for him means prison.

And genocide doesn't solve the problem with resistance groups. It just creates more. Stomping out the ghetto uprisings didn't stop resistance to the Nazis.
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