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Old 05-02-2024, 05:36 PM   #152
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
I think it's a silly perspective to assume a candidate is owed everyone's vote. This isn't feudalism. It's a silly excuse for fielding a bad candidate (just like Russia, Jill Stein, etc). I get why people do it. It absolves them and the party they support of any responsibility.

I don't have a problem with people voting for Biden (people should vote for who they feel has earned it). Especially those in a swing state. I can't under good conscience vote for a racist genocider, even if his opponent is worse. And I'm not going to fault an Arab person in Michigan for skipping the election when their families are being slaughtered. Or a student who is being called a terrorist, beaten, and having their rights stripped for criticizing an openly fascist government in Israel. At some point they've made it clear they don't value you as a citizen or your vote.

And I normally adhere to the lesser of two evils approach. I voted Biden in 2020 despite his long political record of being wrong on just about everything. But there's also a point where the evils are too much. You're just encouraging the lesser evil to continue to be more evil if you give them unconditional support. Biden has made a far-right shift over the past year and has taken on a lot of the same characteristics of Trump.
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