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Old 04-18-2024, 04:52 PM   #487
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
Which journalists participated?

Western MSM can't get into Gaza without Israeli escorts and you aren't allowed to be embedded unless you run your stories by their government first. It's only state media. Journalists who don't abide are summarily executed (often with their families).

EXPOSED: Gaza Photojournalists Shared Call to Infiltrate Israel on Oct. 7 | HonestReporting

Note that 4 MSM outlets denied knowing about the "journalists'" affiliations before using their photos but not the underlying reporting of the Palestinian journalists participating in Oct 7.
Also, see Nov post about this claim

Why would Hamas use a hospital? I know they're not a terribly sophisticated militia but they've probably learned over the years to stay away from those types of locations. I can't believe there are still people trying to sell the human shield crap. Even Israel gave that shit up months ago. Someone tell them there are still morons who believe it.
I think its pretty obvious why they would use the hospitals. Because they use it for cover.

There has been western MSM that have documented tunnels under the hospital compounds. There's been MSM reporting that hostages have been taken, with armed guards, into the hospitals etc.

Last edited by Edward64 : 04-18-2024 at 04:57 PM.
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