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Old 04-15-2024, 09:53 PM   #91
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Herndon, VA
I'm a fairly recent but regular sumo watcher myself. For about the last four years I've been making a point of catching the 30min highlight show on the NHK app each night during a basho. So too late for Hakuho Sho's dominance period, he was injured and on the way out by the time I started watching, just checked his record on wiki though and it definitely qualifies as domination. NHK app is as far as I've ventured, most of the youtube channels seem to get closed down too often for me to keep up with.

Chose Takayasu as "my guy" as the first basho I watched he was the only one who smiled when he was interviewed. As good a reason as any, and he's not been a bad choice, he's been fairly competitive when not injured.

Biggest hold up for my enjoyment is that I cant keep all the names straight.
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