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Old 04-08-2024, 05:47 PM   #1376
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
The abortion issue starts with the fact that we do an absolutely horrible job of teaching women's health in this country. It's better in some places than others, but there isn't a place in this country that teaches it well. Men, generally speaking, have no clue on women's health issues and a depressing number of women aren't much better.

The term abortion has a negative stigma attached to it even though it is a legitimate medical procedure that saves lives on a daily basis. There's a significant number of women in this country that have had abortions and have no idea they had one. Hospitals refer to them as D&Cs when discussing it with mothers because they don't want to even get into any religious or political debates when someone's life is in danger.

The issue with turning it over to the state is we now have various levels of standard care for women. What about exceptions for life of baby or mother? The problem is the wording. When you say there's an exception for life of baby or mother doctors now have to wait until the life is in danger before providing care that should have been given much earlier. Entopic pregnancies are just one example. We know that fetus isn't viable and will put the mother's life at risk. Doctor's in abortion banned states, right now, have to wait until that fetus puts the mother's life at risk before they can move forward with the abortion.

In Texas, since the abortion ban went into effect, infant deaths caused by severe genetic or birth defects has gone up over 20%. This puts a massive amount of undue suffering on families and a newborn child that wasn't viable from the beginning.

I work in a hospital, but I'm IT and by no means an expert on this. My wife, however, grew up in a very conservative Christian home that was and still is very anti-abortion. She was a medic for several years in the hospital I work in and saw these things first hand. She's now very passionate about reproductive rights and women's healthcare.
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