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Old 04-08-2024, 04:28 PM   #97
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
I dont' think it's shorter attention spans. The rule changes bring the game in line to where it was 40 years ago. The 3.5 hour games is a new phenomenon. And there's just not a lot of people that have that kind of free time for 162 games a year. Nor that find a player adjusting his gloves 12 times an at-bat to be entertaining.

The talent level is higher than it's ever been. Most teams from the 80's wouldn't be able to score against modern pitching staffs. Most of the teams have a shortstop who can not only defend as well as someone like Ozzie Smith, but also hit 20+ homers. And that counts for every other position too. I understand it might make the game more boring, but hard to argue the talent level is down.
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