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Old 04-02-2024, 07:36 PM   #1320
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Chicagoland
I mean, that's the short list.

The fact of the matter is that the first Trump Administration's foreign policy more-or-less completely consisted of delivering on the hopes & dreams of autocrats everywhere, but especially those who had bankrolled TrumpCo over the years (Russia, though much of that was money laundering) or bankrolled Jared Kushner during the administration (Saudi Arabia) or allowed Ivanka to make money (China, granting IP rights), while simultaneously alienating long-standing U.S. allies.

If that's what constitues a "much better" foreign policy, then at least be honest about it.

And let's not forget that part of the problem with Israel right now is down to the fact that Netanyahu has been supported and emboldened for years by the same evangelical right donors that are also Trump's most fervent supporters. To think that he's magically going to bring Netanyahu to heel is fantasy, magical thinking. He'll do whatever 2025's version of Sheldon Adelson wants him to do in Israel. Or be persuaded to let Israel sweep Gaza off the map so he can get in on the seaside real estatement investment opportunities that his son-in-law talked about.
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