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Old 03-25-2024, 05:55 PM   #349
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
I picked up Dragon's Dogma 2, and without getting into the BS microtransaction stuff for a single player game, it's interesting.

It's very old school RPG in some of it's systems and feels a bit janky (it feels like a AA or 2.5 A game rather than a big budget AAA), but it really reminds me of something like Morrowind in all the best ways. The open world is dangerous, feels alive, and it doesn't really have fast travel. I guess it exists, but costs a resource I still don't have about 10 hours into the game. This makes travel dangerous, although the game isn't on the difficulty of a souls-like and the save system isn't all that punishing. Night time takes that to another level because you can't see shit.

Exploration and the random experiences you have are really what drives this and is what makes me think of Morrowind. Everything isn't just marked on the map, you have to explore. Some quests have a hidden timer once you accept them. Not a difficult timer or anything, but you're not going to accept a quest to go save someone and dick around for an in game week and go find them alive.

The first couple of hours I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get into it, but once I really got out into the open world and started to feel that sense of discovery and see the randomness you experience in a world that feels somewhat alive and lived in it pulled me in.

Overall, not for everyone. It's a 3rd person actiony RPG that has some old school systems and an old school feel to it while looking beautiful at times.
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