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Old 03-19-2024, 07:27 PM   #9632
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
Buffer to who? You do know where we are on the map in relation to Russia, right?

And we barely trade with Ukraine. It would take hundreds of years to recover the amount of money we've given them to be made up with through trade.

Huh? Re-read what I wrote and look at the map
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
Sure it does. Ukraine is a buffer to western allies. That's pretty strategic geopolitically.

Our own government. We coined a term for the unintended consequences of these interventions back in the 50's. There were people who thought giving billions of weapons to Islamic extremists was a bad idea. They were right.
There's unintended consequences in anything of any significant action. I asked previously and ask again ...
Question to you: how is this different from WW2 ...
  1. Why should the US have cared if Hitler took over Europe?
  2. Japan attacked US because she saw US as a threat in limiting their assets, oil etc. Should the US have told Japan do what you will in Asia, so there was no need for a Pearl Harbor?
This deserves a longer discussion but this mindset has led to one of the greatest missed opportunities in human civilization. This country had an opportunity after the Cold War to shift funding inward and build an incredible country. World class infrastructure, elite education, proper safety net, and an incredible medical system where we outlive any other country.

Instead we kept wasting it on dumb shit like this to satisfy some shareholders at Raytheon while the rest of the world passed us by in just about everything. We pay more, get less, and now have a life expectancy below Algeria. 3rd world country in 1st world clothes.
We live in different worlds.

Question - what country passes the RM litmus test?

And if you think Algeria is a good litmus, go immigrate there? But you won't, because we know the US good outweighs the Algeria good.

Last edited by Edward64 : 03-19-2024 at 07:31 PM.
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