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Old 03-18-2024, 03:09 PM   #9618
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by Brian Swartz View Post
I think this part is very worth discussing. I question whether this is what would actually happen. I don't think anyone knows because it hasn't been tested in recent decades, but I don't buy that if there was an attack on, say, Bulgaria, that NATO just jumps in with both feet, boots on the ground, etc. I think the response to not just Ukraine but other conflicts in recent decades indicates an actual bent much closer to pacifism. People and nations say all kinds of things, but I don't think Europe actually goes all-in for such a scenario just like I don't think the US actually would do so in the case of China using their military to annex Taiwan. I think in both cases there's a lot of bluster and sanctions and ultimately everyone takes the action they think is most likely to benefit their economic prosperity, mostly in the short term. I expect that, at some point, another major conflict that's at least a lot closer to a world war than anything we've seen in the lifetime of most people currently alive will happen at some point because a bully is going to figure this out and be willing to test it.

If you don't start a war over a NATO country being attacked, it sort of defeats the purpose of NATO. It's why you have to be very careful with who you admit.

Agree that words aren't actions so we'd have to see what would happen if Finland was attacked for instance. But not responding would be the end to NATO.
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