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Old 03-16-2024, 09:20 PM   #9609
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
1) I think it's incredibly dangerous to start a proxy war on a nuclear country's border. Similar to how we reacted when the Soviets tried to setup shop in Cuba. Our involvement increases the chances of a war with Russia which is not good for anyone. Ukraine joining NATO will cause war.

2) Ukraine offers no geopolitical advantage to us. They will constantly shift between Russian puppet and pseudo-democracy due to their population breakdown and geographic situation. They are not a trade partner to us (outside of I guess white babies for evangelicals) or a reliable defense ally. If Ukraine goes back to being a Russian puppet state, nothing will change in this country at all.

3) I don't want Ukraine in NATO because I don't think we should put our lives on the line for them. If you are willing to risk your life for Ukraine, they are accepting pretty much anyone with a pulse willing to fight. From the lack of takers, I assume that no one here (or pretty much anywhere in America) is willing to actually die for Ukraine. I don't blame them.

4) This policy of intervention we've had for 80 years has led to countless negative consequences and always leads to blowback. Do you remember the last time we armed an extremely far-right group against the Russians/Soviets?

5) This plan is not working. Russia is winning, their economy is thriving, and Putin is as strong as he's ever been. At some point you have to realize your plan failed and try something different.

6) I'd rather allocate the $120 billion plus whatever else we plan on sending to ourselves. I think you could do a lot of good with that money and dramatically improve the lives of Americans.

That about sums it up. I don't view Russia as a threat to America under normal circumstances. They're a large petrol state with almost no influence outside their immediate region. They suck of course, but that's not our problem. We do far worse and have no business being the world police.
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