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Old 02-20-2024, 06:40 AM   #199
Mike Lowe
College Prospect
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: San Diego, CA
I'm enjoying the game. I like the day-to-day concept (inspired by OOTP I'm guessing) even though I don't do much those days playing as just a GM.

I've been using the default 100 for injuries and while my Saints (GM only) are 6-2, we've lost Carr (who hadn't thrown an interception through 5 games) and a handful of knee ligament injuries. I "had a meeting" with my trainer, meaning I just took a closer look at his profile lol. He seems fine, so my only guess is that the surface in New Orleans Superdome (or whatever it's called now) is just rough.

I simmed these 8 games while on an 11-hour flight last night from London to San Diego. It was fun!

This game could be wildly popular with an interface upgrade. I know that's been talked to death, but it's a clear miss, unfortunately. It's like building a beautiful house frame with the plumbing and electrical, but never painting, putting in flooring, windows, etc. So much of the hard work is done. Outsource the rest if needed? I know it's not this easy, and I've read the replies, but I simply don't find it as an excuse.

I say this because I want Jim to reap the reward of his labor. It's frustrating because I cannot even fathom how difficult this game (and others) have been for him to write. But there are solutions to this, no matter how hard.
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