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Old 02-13-2024, 05:00 AM   #120
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by Brian Swartz View Post
I'm very confused by this. You made reference to 10-30 years in your earlier post. If you're concern is the next few years, then that timeframe doesn't make any sense. I would also suggest that expecting a find like this to be exploited in the next few years is IMO wishful thinking. These things are strategic, long-term assets not ones that make a huge difference in production in the short term - it takes more time than that to sensibly develop them.
The 10-30 years was about world finding additional deposits and therefore, rare earth metals, not being as rare as once thought. So, the big, longer term picture.

The immediate timeframe of 3-5 years is because lots of talk about China taking military action against Taiwan as early as 2027. If that happens, China's current dominance on rare earth metals will put the US at a major disadvantage as not only do those things go into our EV and smartphones, but also military stuff.

Therefore, it is in our national security interests to exploit, develop etc. the Wyoming stuff as quickly as possible. Similarly, I support increase chip manufacturing in the US, decreasing our reliance on Taiwan.
... if President Xi continues to pursue the annexation of Taiwan, the PLA will be prepared by 2027, and he will likely take steps to realize these ambitions by 2030 as China’s population ages, while pursuing annexation to solidify his historic legacy in his lifetime.

I also find it strange that you responded to and bolded my statement earlier of what I think the core issue is, then seemed to shift goalposts here. I'm not being nitpicky, I just don't understand you responding to that in that way at all if you don't care about the long-term picture.
See above about 10-30 vs 3-5 years.

Basically, I do care about the long term climate change picture but (assume) with less urgency than you. However, because I believe China is the #1 threat to the US we should do our utmost to reduce our reliance on China (and Taiwan). As I am tired of US foreign policy influenced by Middle-east oil, I support EV growth & adoption.
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