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Old 02-11-2024, 01:34 AM   #9404
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
There is something to be said about electing someone who has all their cognitive faculties and will make it through the next 4 years without their brain turning to complete mush. The idea of an 86-year old man commanding the military as we enter more and more conflicts is pretty scary.

And I do think leadership matters to an extent regardless of your positions. Putin is just dogwalking him and Netanyahu turned him into Reek. He doesn't have the public support to pass any sort of meaningful bills in his second term. His administration and justice department have been terrified of regulating business. He's one of the weakest Presidents in modern history and I think 4 more years of people walking all over him is bad for the country and the party.

So yes, someone like Mark Kelly might be a moderate I don't agree with on a lot of issues. But I don't think he's a doormat. I don't think it would be embarrassing to see him speak in front of people or meet with world leaders. And he can probably remember when he became Senator and when his wife was shot. Plus he'd win in a landslide.
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