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Old 02-09-2024, 10:10 AM   #6448
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
Police body cams with stops, shoplifters, disturbance calls etc.; sovereign nation folks; airport security, smuggling etc. ... all entertaining but frustrating stuff.

Currently watching some zoom videos of court cases during the pandemic. Divorce, child support stuff ...

YT has made me a voyeur into how messed up and pathetic many people are, and how pretty well trained & patient many cops are.

Ditto. It's kind of confirmed just about everything I've learned in life. If you are respectful, nice, truthful. . . you usually are gonna be treated with respect by the police, judges, etc. If you are disrespectful, you are going to make things 200x worse for yourself. You can be respectful and say "I want a lawyer" I'm not talking about giving in to every demand, even if it's unconstitutional. I'm just pointing out your response.

Respectful arrests are all over youtube, but they are "boring" videos. "Yes, I hit my wife" "please put your hands behind your back" "OK" What follows is a boring as hell five minutes of body cam while a guy gets put respectfully in a car.

The "exciting" videos are almost always "May I please have your license and registration?" "I know the law, you can't do this, I did nothing wrong" "OK, I have the right in a traffic stop to ask you for this, may I please have that information?" "screw you pig" And then fireworks start. I've probably seen hours of videos where people went from a simple traffic violation to jail in about 30 seconds.
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