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Old 02-09-2024, 08:55 AM   #6445
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
Obviously, some bad incidents have come to light of bad cops with footage from police bodycams (and bystanders' videos).

OTH here are some bodycam videos that shows you what cops have to put up with in (mostly) non-violent stuff. Think of it as "Cops" for traffic violations and stuff.

Bottom-line. I'm not sure I can be a cop. I'd slap the sh*t out of majority of these folks.

Body Cam Watch - YouTube

As an example, below video shows where a cop stopped a car but he couldn't see inside so he stayed back and called for backup. I better appreciate how cops approach an unknown situation. And another example where tasers don't work jack sh*t.

I'm kind of addicted to youtube videos of body cams. Both where the police are good and where they act horribly.

I can tell you there is NO way I'd be a cop. And there are plenty of interactions with all races that just go off the rails nuts. There are certainly bad cops. I don't think anyone would disagree with that. But man alive, some of the things they go through? Not for me.
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