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Old 01-27-2024, 06:04 PM   #249
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
I feel bad for me 4 years ago

There was an intrasquad scrimmage today, the first one and Aiden brought back the Aiden we’ve been seeing recently before the blip.

While most if not all of the other 8th graders sat on the wall Aiden was up on the rail ready to go whenever there was an opportunity. For example, any time a senior got a walk they would add a batter to the base paths and let the upper classman get another AB. Aiden was on first like lightning running the paths with the varsity team. Whenever they needed an outfielder to fill in a blank for the varsity Aiden was out there in a flash. It was so evident one of the dads of one of the other 8th graders pointed out to his own kid through the net that Aiden was being assertive and that he needed to as well.

When Aiden got his AB he faced off against a reclassed freshman and he took a ball and then swung at the strike earning himself a Texas leaguer single to left. The seniors went crazy and when the inning ended with Aiden on second base, the senior CF (Kyle Boylston) ( ran up and bear hugged Aiden. He’s really taken to Aiden.

In the afternoon Aiden asked me to go to the cage so he could work on his stride foot staying closed along with keeping his hinge.

It was a very good day for him.

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Last edited by Flasch186 : 01-27-2024 at 06:04 PM.
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