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Old 01-27-2024, 05:14 PM   #426
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
No. I don't support my tax dollars funding terrorists or war criminals. My tax dollars are not going to Hamas, nor do I want it to. My tax dollars are going to Israel. It's that fucking simple.
This question wasn't specific to your tax dollars. It was in response to your comment that wasn't specific to tax dollars.

So forget tax dollars, it's your red herring. The question is, regardless of whether or not your tax dollars is going to Hamas (a small bit is going to UNRWA btw). Simple question.
So you support indiscriminate rocket attacks, a literal war crime?
They openly admit it. They passed a fucking law a few years back expressing this sentiment.

This reminds me of Trump defenses when he proudly expresses something and people rush in to say that's not what he believes. You can take them at their word on this one man.

Provide a link or it didn't happen.

I honestly don't know so I want to read more, but I can't take your word for it. I mean after all, we've now come to find out that the Dems really didn't have a filibuster proof majority in 2009-2011 when you claimed they did. You know, sloppy research and loose definitions results in incorrect conclusions.

How big do you think Hamas is? The overwhelming majority of people in Gaza aren't part of Hamas. This isn't killing someone who is aiding your kidnapper (newborn children don't offer much assistance there). This is just slaughtering innocent civilians in hopes you might kill the small fraction of people responsible.
You mean how many Hamas fighters there are (e.g. the kidnappers) or are you also including Hamas sympathizers (e.g. the family members supporting or hiding them)?

Taken in totality, the majority of Palestinians in Gaza are Hamas or sympathizers.

Palestinians support Hamas decision to go to war with Israel, survey suggests, with no political solution on horizon | CNN
The survey, which has a four-point margin of error (rather than the usual three-point), found that almost three-quarters (72%) of all respondents believe Hamas’s decision to launch its attack on Israel on October 7 was “correct.”

Less than a quarter (22%) said it was “incorrect.”

No it wasn't. Holy shit man, read a fucking book or any piece of news coverage on the West Bank over the past 20 years. The whole point in Israel supporting Hamas was so they could break Fatah and increase the illegal settlements.

Above was in response to my below comment. I don't know what you are saying so tell me again which sentence below is the "no it wasn't"?
I'd toss in the West Bank was doing relatively well and before Hamas/Gaza decided the spoil the party. Or that PA should have been better guests and not try to overthrow Jordan. Or that PA should have taken one of the numerous deals on the table etc. Lots of missed opportunities and blame on both sides.

Last edited by Edward64 : 01-27-2024 at 05:34 PM.
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