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Old 01-26-2024, 06:53 PM   #421
General Manager
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Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
You see, this is why I think this is better in this thread. It always comes back to skin color with you.

So what's the reason? Israel has committed far more terrorism over the past few decades than Palestinians. The civilian death toll is incredibly lopsided. We have forced imprisonment, forced sterilization, and torture too.

If it's not about ethnicity, what is it about? Religion?

Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
The city is in Area A & B. It may be a nice neighborhood, but I suspect tensions are high all around. There's been fights in Westbank areas. But, I have no problem believing IDF or settlers killed the kid. But if he wasn't knowingly killed because he was an American, that makes a difference from the US perspective.

Tensions are high because settlers are coming into Palestinian neighborhoods and terrorizing them. This has been going on for a long time. Do you know what would stop that tension? Not killing Palestinians so some settlers can steal their homes. Fuck, even Biden told Israel to knock that shit off and he's about as cucked as you can get for a country. I don't know how you still support that.

Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
Yes, they are justified to use self-defense too. No problem in a mano-v-mano. Just don't punch me the face and when I punch back, you yell "bully".

That's not what they're doing. They basically imprisoned Palestinians for over a decade, got punched in the face by a small group of them, then decided to kill innocent people who had nothing to do with it in retaliation.

Collective punishment is a war crime. If they want to root out Hamas (a group Israel has supported), fine. But you don't get to kill a bunch of innocent civilians because they share the same skin color.
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