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Old 01-09-2024, 06:07 PM   #26269
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by molson View Post
Kimmel made a distinction about that. He talked about how he had a whole legal team to make sure his jokes aren't unlawfully defaming anyone.

Accusing someone of being a pedophile seems a little different. Especially when it's outside the scope of any comedy context, and isn't done as a joke.

Sure, I absolutely agree it's different. I agree his jokes aren't unlawful and there are times when he's apologize, that's great.

However, considering how Kimmel has a free pass and big bully pulpit to pick on someone or some group under the guise (?) of comedy and satire, he gets no sympathy from me.

I'm not talking about asshole politicians or asshole athletes, I'm talking about individuals and groups of people he's hurt/insulted with his wit. See list below (there's other incidents). So yeah, he's apologized and moved on, increased his fame, gotten his money ... but those hurt, insulted, lost their moment to shine etc. will remember.

Here are the Biggest Jimmy Kimmel Scandals and Controversies

So no, Chris Rock doesn't get a pass for making fun of Will Smith's wife in a public stage like that. I'm okay with Will smacking him and embarrassing him in public. Kimmel isn't at the level but I'm okay with Rodgers mocking him.

FWIW, this is not a woke awakening by me. I see 2 big boys that have gotten personal. First boy insults, make fun of the other multiple times on a big stage; and the second fights back with innuendos. I'm good with that. I hope it goes court. I want to see how it plays out.
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