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Old 01-02-2024, 11:16 AM   #318
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
Originally Posted by Ghost Econ View Post
So as someone who is slowly trying to make his way into mainstream gaming after a while off, is it just to be expected that a AAA game will be at best half finished when released and that I should just wait a year or 2 before playing?

Like FO76 and Cyberpunk, I won copies when they game out and played them. They were dog shit. But it seems like they turned out pretty good.

Most live service games are unfinished at launch so anything like FO76 will fall under that umbrella. Cyberpunk was unfinished because the publishing arm of CDProjekt wanted the game out the door and gave a deadline. Of the 2 I think FO76 improved to a playable state whereas Cyberpunk is really good right now.

Alan Wake 2 is a AAA game that was outstanding out the gate. Diablo 4 is one of the rare live service games that was in good shape at launch and ha sonly improved from there. Hogwarts and Jedi Survivor were great at release as well.

So it's a mixed bag but overall 2023 was probably the strongest year for gaming in 20+ years. There were probably half a dozen games that take game of the year any other year.
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