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Old 12-27-2023, 10:00 AM   #232
Join Date: Jun 2015
Originally Posted by markdub2 View Post
You "Fire" a coach just by Hiring a new coach to fill their role. So if you want to fire your OC, for example, simply hire a new OC on the OC hiring day. The Staff Retention day is for extending the contracts of coaches you want to keep.

I think youre talking about the Suitability rating the game would give to coaches, Im not sure that exists in FOF9 anymore. But if you poke around the forums theres discussion of what ratings matter for which coaching positions. IIRC the basics are that :
HCs: Motivation, Discipline most important (only Head Coaches use these bars AFAIK)
OCs and DCs: Playcalling,scouting, and playerdevelopment/young players

Thanks, that helped a lot. Just not sure why you can only fire/hire coaches once per season?? I guess somebody found a way to use it to their advantage, sort of like when you sign a free agent and then immediately trade them for a late round pick. Also thanks for the heads up about how to find your coaches, it does make a lot of sense to me and I will be using it immediately but will also have to test it out for a few seasons before I start tweaking it and figuring out what each of these attributes do. Not a problem as this happens all the time whenever a new version is available.

Last edited by arscola : 12-27-2023 at 10:01 AM.
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