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Old 12-11-2023, 09:16 AM   #856
Join Date: Oct 2000
I will go in a different direction. I would look to see if she is willing to work on communicating better with you. You need to know what your expectations and concerns are and be able to communicate them to her. And she needs to be willing to communicate with you and let you know what she perceives her capacity to be (now and in the future). If they don't align with one another, you are going to have a tough time.

People with anxiety and depression get better and are worthy of being loved with their faults. At the same time, you are not required to make yourself overly uncomfortable for her. If she is willing to get ECT and is pursuing treatments with the intent to return to work and be fully functional, it could be worth sticking around to see what that looks like. I would definitely pump the breaks on any long-term commitment (moving in together, buying a house/property together, having kids), but if she gets moving in the right direction, you could have a nice future together.

As a side note, it is really hard to get disability for anxiety/depression and, under the best of circumstances, can take years to do so.
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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