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Old 11-30-2023, 09:52 PM   #514
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
Taking the entire debate at face value with no context:

Slight win for Newsome. He's a strong debater and Ron either doesn't have the skills or doesn't put in the work. When you opponent is dropping number and after number after number and the best you can do is say something along the lines of "that's not true" then you're not prepared. Ron was able to land a few blows, but he really just didn't have many counters to the facts Newsome was hitting him with.

Looking at this debate with the context of Hannity hosting this on Fox News and loading or setting up every question to benefit DeSantis:

DeSantis got trounced. He's governor that could have coasted on the rep he had built, returned to Seanate after his current term, and then ran again as governor if he wanted.

Instead he's been exposed as not being a national candidate. He loves to bully people weaker than him or those without a voice, but he folds quick when challenged publicly. He has zero stage presence or charisma and looks like he is uncomfortable in his own skin anytime he's on a stage like this.
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