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Old 11-16-2023, 08:20 AM   #332
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
But yeah, like the Jihadi said, there is incompetence in propaganda here. Who couldn't anticipate suspicion with "hey we found weapons" and done a better job of trying to convince (at least) western audiences. It just seems IDF wants the Lt. Col media person to control the narrative (understandable) but they are supporting the narrative with weak evidence.

What IDF needs to do better:

1) 1-2 days ago, IDF is saying they are shooting at baddies inside the Al-Shifa compound. Why aren't there any videos of those engagements?

We know some soldiers have body/helmet cams etc. If there are any videos (and there should be), they should be sharing that widely with media outlets (after blocking faces) saying "see that flash, that's from this building from the Al-Shifa compound, we shot back"

2) Similarly, IDF attacked/stormed 1-2 buildings of Al-Shifa (not the entire compound). Did they kill anyone shooting at them? If they did, they should be sharing those videos of combat inside the Al-Shifa compound.

And if they did kill some baddies in the hallways, they should absolutely be showing those bodies with the weapons beside them. So far, I haven't seen any.

3) 1-2 days ago, IDF showed drone shot of a terrorist with a RPG walking to the hospital front. They spliced the film to a black-and-white supposedly showing the RPG was shot from the baddie but I couldn't see the baddie actually doing the shooting.

At best, they can say a baddie with a RPG walked to the front steps of the hospital. So what? Better if they continued the drone shot to actually show the shot. See below.

4) 2-3 days ago, IDF produced a clip that said this is a tunnel that leads into/near hospital (not the Al-Shifa one). They showed the IDF guy outside the tunnel (fine), in the basement (fine), showed some stuff (fine), showed a schedule on who was watching hostages (fine) and that was it.

They needed to show entry-basement-exit into (or near) hospital grounds. By not showing the exit, it made everything meaningless. Of course, Hamas has tunnels and bunkers. The question is are they using them inside or near hospital grounds?

In summary, the IDF is fighting the media war from the 2000's. Above #3 and #4 are just stupid, self-inflicted shit. Just like I question stupid Hamas propaganda like the JDAM attack, I also question the IDF stuff.

Both sides, always important.

Last edited by Edward64 : 11-16-2023 at 08:44 AM.
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