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Old 11-10-2023, 09:21 PM   #275
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by CrimsonFox View Post
I mean I'd say that sounds totally fictional ...however there are bullet and bombs that have creative ways of spreading shrapnel so I guess I'd believe something could exist.

But there was ZERO chance there was a parachute iinvolved here. You HEARD the missile swishing through the air and landing. Also I found it just odd....why is that lone guy in the middle of the open air like that when no one else is. The blood is spread over that area. Was it his? It's just it's a wide pool of blood and it JUST happened.

ah I found this video in that twitter thread

Yes from this angle it IS his leg that got severed and that IS his leg next to him. THey are applying a tourniquet.

I STILL don't see any metal that caused the damage tho.

Yeah, I saw another video of the poor guy. There was also someone injured in a damaged car close by, he was dragged out. A "shell casing" was in/near the car. If that was the culprit, it definitely wasn't the ninja blade chopper and it didn't explode. It was more like it fell to the ground.

Yes, agree there didn't seem to be a parachute involved. Redditors are puzzled, give them a couple days and they'll come up with a working theory.

Last edited by Edward64 : 11-10-2023 at 09:21 PM.
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