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Old 11-09-2023, 02:40 PM   #240
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Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by GrantDawg View Post
Journalist have such a tight-rope to walk in these situations. Recording history is important, and you only get the chance to cover something like this if you don't betray whoever is allowing you to follow them. It is a legitimate question of "where is the line?" I think in this case they could probably fairly say by the time it became apparent the level of criminal acts that were occurring they would have put themselves in real danger to try to sound a warning. Not to mention that it probably wouldn't have made a difference. Alarms throughout the region were already going off. The Israeli military were caught with their pants down. They were just completely and shockingly unprepared.

That report comes from an Israel backed pressure group. I think every news outlet mentioned has vehemently denied the accusations being made.

This seems like pushback for the criticism they've gotten for executing journalists. There was a CPJ report that showed this being the deadliest month for journalists since they started recording that data.
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