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Old 10-13-2023, 10:10 AM   #25
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by miked View Post
I'm still confused, is the best option to just open the border and tell everyone in Gaza that they can now live in Israel, a state that they do not want to exist? Everyone in the middle east has had an opportunity to help the people in Gaza and all have chosen to decline, especially Egypt (and partly Jordan). When Israel was created in 1948 (you know, where the Jews already lived), there were a lot of chances for peace that all arab states rejected. They would rather their people die than grant Jews a homeland.

So while you repeatedly bash the "ethnostate" of Israel (your anti-semitic comments notwithstanding), there is more than enough blame to go around in that area. Let's not forget Iran that also wants to wage war with Israel but prefers to arm Gaza children instead. There is a 2-state solution, but the other party (Hamas) does not want that. They want Jews wiped from the planet and there is nothing that the West or Israel can offer them. I mean, if Al Qaeda took over Canada and Mexico, outnumbered us, and wanted to wipe us from the planet, would we grant them open borders?

A more apt comparison would be Al-Qaeda (guessing you just found the worst group of brown people you could think of?) taking over 80% of America. Americans get stuffed into the remaining 20% and stripped of their rights, movement heavily restricted, resources rationed, and bombed/shot regularly.

Then Al-Qaeda says "you can keep 15%" under a bunch of conditions like giving giving up a military, regular inspections, not being able to return to your home, etc.

I have a feeling that the country that had violent outbursts over having to wear a mask at Target would probably not find this suitable.
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