Thread: World Politics
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Old 10-09-2023, 05:23 PM   #258
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by BishopMVP View Post
The actual devastation from airstrikes will be disproportionately worse but if you don't want to admit why videos of one side killing, kidnapping, and celebrating while parading around women and children as hostages is worse optically cool. Whether it was a miscalculation thinking hostages from them would get countries on their side or they're just idiots who hit a target of opportunity the multinational nature of the music festival is also devastating to Hamas in the public opinion sphere. Attacking just IDF positions would have had a ton of people on their side, even sticking to attacking Israeli communities probably leads to a lot more Euro/Latin countries or the UN pushing to limit any Israeli response more, doing what they did makes it pretty hard for any country to avoid calling them terrorists.

You're not winning an optics war with Israel. They have the strongest lobbying groups in Washington and most of the media on their side. They've created an open-air prison for a group of people and committed human rights abuses on a regular basis. Their leaders were bragging on social media today about committing war crimes.

What happened sucks, but it's part of war. You can't be outraged when one side finally fights back with the same tactics as their oppressors. They don't have many options but to fight these types of guerilla wars. As for the location, hosting a rave right outside a concentration camp isn't the best optics either.

Regardless, what would you have done in their position?

Last edited by RainMaker : 10-09-2023 at 05:24 PM.
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