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Old 10-03-2023, 12:55 PM   #174
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Just as Harlem Heat and Sensational Sherri are basking in the afterglow of their hard-fought victory, a sudden change in the arena's atmosphere occurs. The aristocratic, classical music of the Blue Bloods blares through the speakers, catching everyone off guard.

Lord Steven Regal and "Earl" Robert Eaton, collectively known as the Blue Bloods, rush down the ramp with a sense of urgency and malice. There's no time for their usual pomp and ceremony; they're on a mission to make a statement.

**The Ambush:**

Before Harlem Heat even realize what's happening, the Blue Bloods slide into the ring and launch a vicious sneak attack. Regal goes straight for Booker T, laying in with stiff European uppercuts, while Eaton targets Stevie Ray with a series of brutal knee strikes.

Sensational Sherri, always protective of her team, tries to intervene but is quickly neutralized by a stern warning and threatening gesture from Regal. The audience is in an uproar, booing the Blue Bloods and chanting for Harlem Heat.

**The Message:**

After gaining the upper hand, the Blue Bloods hoist up Booker T and Stevie Ray to deliver their patented tag-team finisher: the "Tower of London." The crowd gasps as Harlem Heat crumble to the mat, the impact echoing throughout the arena.

Regal and Eaton stand tall, their faces twisted into smug grins of satisfaction. They've not only ruined Harlem Heat's moment but also added an explosive new chapter to their growing feud.

**The Aftermath:**

Regal snatches a microphone, "This is a message to all the commoners and especially to you, Harlem Heat. You may have won the battle, but the war—oh, the war is just beginning."

The Blue Bloods make their exit, leaving a battered Harlem Heat and a seething Sensational Sherri in the ring. The atmosphere is a mix of shock and outrage, but one thing is abundantly clear: the feud between Harlem Heat and the Blue Bloods has just escalated to a whole new level, and this war is far from over.

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