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Old 09-25-2023, 09:50 AM   #274
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Concord, MA/UMass
Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
OK, just a hypothetical here.

In this specific situation - TD with only a few seconds left and a 2 point lead - rather than kicking the XP, wouldn't the better decision have been to send the offense out to go for 2, but take a knee? 1 second left, there's really no chance at a FG to beat you and a TD wins it regardless of the XP. However, if you screw up the XP, they can tie the game with a return.
Can you still return blocked XP's/pick 2's or fumbles on 2pt attempts for 2 points? I know they changed it in either the NFL or NCAA to where you couldn't for no discernible reason, but could never keep it straight which one.

Overall I'm happy with where ND is at despite how painful the ending was. Ohio State has like 10 of the top 70 NFL draft prospects, ND wasn't hyped coming into the season and lacks a gamebreaking WR or TE (would kill to have had Mikey Mayer come back and play with Sam Hartman for this year), and it wasn't a fluke. A playoff berth may still even be attainable with a primetime game at Duke next week, USC, and a couple other tough road games in Louisville and Clemson on the schedule.

The new clock rules are really noticeable and I think really beneficial to teams who play like ND (but not heavy favorites) and we have a better chance at a title under them. Saw it with South Carolina/Georgia the week before too, if you can pick up first downs you can really shorten the game vs a better team with an explosive offense. The ND team that lost to Clemson in the playoff semi's a few years back had a better defense, just broke eventually under the onslaught of chances Trevor Lawrence had to throw to elite WR's. I wonder if Saban will also make the move back to playing like that once he gets a real QB again, or if they stick with the high octane offenses because of how much space you can eventually find against college defenses.
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