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Old 08-30-2023, 09:21 AM   #151
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Match: Dean Malenko (F) vs. Larry Zbyszko (H)


Tony Schiavone: "Up next, folks, we have a clash of styles and generations. The technical wizard Dean Malenko squares off against the 'Living Legend' Larry Zbyszko. This should be a wrestling clinic!"

Bobby Heenan: "Ah yes, Tony, this is going to be a pure wrestling match. Hold for hold, move for move, these guys are masters."

Match Summary:

The match begins with both wrestlers circling each other cautiously. Malenko quickly engages in a collar-and-elbow tie-up, transitioning smoothly into an armbar. Zbyszko counters and the crowd roars in appreciation. It's clear from the onset that both men are keenly aware of the crowd and are working to keep them involved.

Zbyszko, using his years of experience, attempts to slow the match down to his pace. However, Malenko is up to the task, countering Zbyszko's grapples with his own dazzling array of submission holds. Every time Zbyszko seems to get an upper hand, Malenko counters, and the crowd eats it up.

The turning point comes when Malenko locks in the Texas Cloverleaf after a sequence of reversals and counter-reversals. The crowd rises to its feet, sensing the end is near. Zbyszko struggles but ultimately taps out, giving the victory to Malenko.

Winner: Dean Malenko

Rating: 4.25 stars


Tony Schiavone: "What a match! A wrestling clinic indeed, and Dean Malenko comes out on top. That was some of the best mat wrestling we've seen in a long time."

Bobby Heenan: "The 'Man of 1,000 Holds' lived up to his name tonight. But let's not forget Larry Zbyszko. The 'Living Legend' showed us why he's earned that name."

As Dean Malenko celebrates in the ring, the crowd showers him with cheers. He acknowledges them, clearly aware that it was their energy that helped make this match a classic. A show of respect between the two wrestlers closes this segment, leaving fans grateful for what they've just witnessed.

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