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Old 08-24-2023, 08:14 AM   #87
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
**Main Event: 10-Man Elimination Match**

- Arn Anderson
- Brian Pillman
- Harley Race
- Chris Benoit
- Randy Savage
- The Giant
- Sting
- Jushin Liger
- Ric Flair
- Hulk Hogan (w/ Jimmy Hart)


The ring is filled with a who's who of wrestling legends and rising stars, all vying for supremacy in this 10-man elimination showdown. The crowd is on its feet, sensing the electric atmosphere as the match is about to begin. The anticipation is palpable as each competitor sizes up the opposition, and the referee signals for the bell.

**Match Summary:**

1. **First Elimination:** The match begins with a frenzy of action. Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman form an alliance, but it's short-lived as Anderson betrays Pillman, eliminating him with a devastating spinebuster.

2. **Second Elimination:** Jushin Liger dazzles with his high-flying acrobatics but finds himself caught by Harley Race, who eliminates him with a vicious piledriver.

3. **Third Elimination:** The Giant makes his presence felt, going on a rampage and tossing Chris Benoit over the top rope for the elimination.

4. **Fourth Elimination:** Arn Anderson's cunning comes back to haunt him as Ric Flair, using his signature dirtiest player in the game tactics, eliminates Anderson with a low blow followed by a Figure-Four Leglock.

5. **Fifth Elimination:** The Giant's dominance continues as he clashes with Harley Race. The veteran Race puts up a brave fight, but The Giant proves too much, eliminating him with a massive chokeslam.

6. **Sixth Elimination:** Randy Savage and Sting engage in a thrilling exchange. The intensity builds until Sting seizes an opportunity, eliminating Savage with a Scorpion Deathlock.

7. **Seventh Elimination:** The Giant's reign of terror is ended by a combined effort from Flair, Sting, and Hogan. They manage to topple the massive competitor, with Hogan getting the pin.

8. **Eighth Elimination:** The alliance between Flair, Sting, and Hogan is short-lived as Flair attempts to betray Sting but is caught and eliminated by Sting with a roll-up pin.

9. **Ninth Elimination:** Hogan and Sting face off, and after a hard-fought battle, Hogan eliminates Sting with the big boot followed by a leg drop.

**Winner: Hulk Hogan (with support from Jimmy Hart)**

**Rating: 3.25 stars**


**Tony Schiavone:** "Unbelievable, Bobby! What a match! What a night! Hulk Hogan has outlasted nine of the best in the business to stand tall as the winner of this incredible elimination match."

**Bobby Heenan:** "You have to hand it to Hogan, Tony. He fought through everything thrown at him, and with a little help from Jimmy Hart, he's come out on top."

**Tony Schiavone:** "A night to remember, for sure. This match had it all – betrayal, alliances, high-flying action, power moves – a true showcase of what makes this sport so great."

Hogan and Jimmy Hart celebrate in the ring as the crowd roars in approval. The image of Hogan, victorious and still full of energy, closes the show, encapsulating a night of unforgettable wrestling action.

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