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Old 08-20-2023, 07:39 PM   #386
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2004
Originally Posted by Atocep View Post
My mom falls into this group. She doesn't know much of anything about Trump but has voted republican her whole life and continues to do so. She doesn't even know what the wedge issues between Dems/GOP tend to be. She lives in WV and gets the vast majority of her news from facebook, though, so she knows she likes Trump.

My mom and stepdad fall into this as well. I try to tell them the awful shit that is being spewed by the right, but the church they go to gets political and alters their view of the candidates.

They are good people and they don't even had cable or local TV(they can only watch movies.) They live so far off the road they can't even get internet or a landline phone, let alone cell signal so most of the information they I can call it....invented. It all comes from someone else and gets put through a strange leanse that I don't understand considering how good of people they are and how many people they help. My step-dad literally went to Guatemala as a missionary and used his skills as an electrical lineman to run electric to entire towns while he was there for no compensation. Alot of these people just don't understand how far these political parties have shifted.
Originally Posted by McSweeny
Because you know it takes sound strategy to get killed repeatedly on day one right?
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