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Old 08-06-2023, 04:04 PM   #1555
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Not good trend for Ukraine or Joe.

I'm sure if Ukraine was making fantastic gains like late last year, the % will be up. If it continues at this pace with stalemate or only incremental wins, it won't be good for public opinion.

The embedded survey also had the question "Should US do more", from high of 62% to now 48%.

CNN Poll: Majority of Americans oppose more US aid for Ukraine in war with Russia | CNN Politics
Most Americans oppose Congress authorizing additional funding to support Ukraine in its war with Russia, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, as the public splits over whether the US has already done enough to assist Ukraine.

Overall, 55% say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more. A poll conducted in the early days of the Russian invasion in late February 2022 found 62% who felt the US should have been doing more.

Partisan divisions have widened since that poll, too, with most Democrats and Republicans now on opposing sides of questions on the US role in Ukraine.
When asked specifically about types of assistance the US could provide to Ukraine, there is broader support for help with intelligence gathering (63%) and military training (53%) than for providing weapons (43%), alongside very slim backing for US military forces to participate in combat operations (17%).
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