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Old 07-21-2023, 01:33 PM   #63
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
This is from Wednesday:

Patch Day

Invokers - overbuffed
Taric - overbuffed

the patch doesn't nerf a whole lot, and attempts to buff things up to the level of the strong comps. The early returns seem to indicate what I said above, they buffed 4 units related to the 6 Invoker comp and it seems like they over-did it.

There is the hope for a return to a 4 cost meta. I would love to be able to flex AD between Zeri and Aphelios, and AP between kaisa and lux, as opposed to all of the rerolling.

Games - I'm watching a stream but going to go ahead and play some too. I usually am not ahead of the meta on patch days so expect a drop to Diamond 4, that's ok.

Game 1:

We'll mostly be taking Cait's augments for early game strength, but here we take Invoker heart to force the new hotness. Probably a little less detail on games as I'm chatting w/ a friend while playing. Invokers feels insanely OP. 3 of us forced it, going 3rd/4th/6th, none of us 3* anything despite this being a comp with 2 and 3 cost carries (soraka/karma) that should need to 3*. This feels like it needs a hotfix, we'll see if other games feel the same.

4th: +10 LP (Current: D3 10 LP)


Game 2:

I was expecting to play Lux/Azir with an early Cassio with lux items, but cassio is an invoker, and I got 3 other invokers at krugs/3-1 and an invoker crest on 3-2, so we tried it again, my board was much stronger but it was a much stronger lobby overall, and I eneded up 6th. The biggest problem is that invokers are a slow killing stall comp, and this lobby had a lot of backline access.

6th: -10 LP (Current: D3 0 LP)


Game 3:

Prismatic opener, which with Caitlyn gives us a 4 cost unit on 2-1, and it's been buffed to get us a 2* 4 cost on 4-1 once again. We get Aphelios and play him as the carry all game and manage a 2nd. An A-Sol with level up went 9 very early and made an unbeatable board.

2nd: +31 LP (Current: D3 31 LP)


Game 4:

We play an "old" standard, 6 challenger with carry items on Kaisa, Kalista and Yasuo. We ride a good early game to a 2nd behind Akshan 3.

2nd: +30 LP (Current: D3 61 LP)
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