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Old 07-19-2023, 10:34 PM   #504
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
I don't know how this can still happen nowadays. The article wasn't very clear but sounds like the cool air wasn't flowing or limited?
Krista Garvin, a field producer for Fox News, said she was on the flight when the incident unfolded, calling it an "INSANE experience." She said a number of passengers passed out due to the heat.

In a series of tweets, Garvin said the flight was initially delayed and then once passengers were finally able to board, they were left sitting for "almost 3 hours on a hot plane in 111 degree weather" awaiting takeoff.

The plane ultimately had to head back to the gate because people were "passing out," she said.
Sounds like the pilots were well aware though.

In video she shared on Twitter, a voice could be heard on the plane's intercom apologizing "for the situation being very hot back there." NBC News was not immediately able to independently verify the video and Garvin did not immediately respond to an overnight request for comment.

I can't believe passengers were sitting inside the plane with no/limited air for 3 hours and 111 degrees outside. There has to be more to this story but regardless ... at best there was poor judgement here, at worst, a nice lawsuit to remind Delta this behavior is unacceptable.
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