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Old 07-16-2023, 10:37 PM   #20
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
I've ended up playing it a LOT more than he did, almost ironically.

One of the problems at this point, I think, is the whole "season" structure of the outer shell (for lack of a better phrase). It quickly felt pointless to him to play, given how far into the cycle we even stepped foot into it. I played it a fair bit for a while as my "mindless grinder" game in lieu of a Fortnite season I never really got into. I've got so many hours in the FO universe that I can still pretty easily lapse into "side quest stage, side quest stage, side quest stage" grinding and just be zoned out.
I finished to completion one season and that was it for me. Got some neat stuff that I didn't have to spend scrips for so that was good. But much of the stuff was redundant to me as I was a higher level and had done much of it already. I didn't feel the need to do another.

As for the other players aspect of it, I rarely see people period. The only noticeable presence they have to me generally speaking is the occasional nuke warning that caused me to check my map quickly to make sure I wasn't gonna be collateral damage ... until realizing that basically nukes were in the same place 90-95 percent of the time (presumably tied to some event or another) and really shouldn't concern me unduly. Their camps are useful as a fast travel point now & then but otherwise that's about it. I suspect the fact that I tend to play between say midnight and 6a (eastern U.S. time) has something to do with the scarcity of other players.
Yeah, I don't play that late. Sometimes there weren't alot of people or I see 2+ nukes have already been done, I would exit and try another "world". I also scan the players' levels when I enter. If they are lower levels, I know it won't be as much fun for me. So check number of players, their levels, and if nukes have gone off already; exit and try logging into another world as needed.

There were 2 popular nukes places at Whitesprings Resort & Fissure Prime/Scorched Earth. Whitesprings was fantastic early one but has been diluted some. Fissure Prime is when you do the initial end-game boss. They now also have Colossal Problem with Earl, another boss. Both Fissure Prime and Earl are FUN and need you to cooperate with others to take them down (I have done Earl successfully by myself). But you need to be at higher levels and have nicer weapons to fully participate. If you go in relatively junior, your team mates won't really mind but they expect you to "try" and show effort (e.g. help with stimpaks, use up ammo) vs hide and tag-along.

If you get a chance, highly recommend you do Whitesprings, Prime Fissure and Earl multiple times. There are many other events that require co-op play to succeed but definitely do those 3. Read up on them so you know what equipment you need (e.g. keep down the Rads, Vampire weapons are great for Earl).

The event oriented team stuff I largely ignore -- "surplus to needs" in terms of how I use/was using the game -- I think I've done maybe ... 3? of those with other players around and 2 of the 3 were accidental where I stumbled upon one or it stumbled upon me.

There are some team events that are brainless and too simple. In addition to the 3 I mentioned above, I enjoy these - Project Paradise, Encryptid, Line in the Sand, & Radiation Rumble. (Don't forget to store off your junk because you lose them when you die).

Still, if you'd have told me that I'd ever get to Lvl 46 (I had to load it up to see where I was, I thought it was in the 40s somewhere) I'd have figured you'd have lost your mind lol
I remember you being a non-believer. I'm glad you're beginning to see the light.

Last edited by Edward64 : 07-16-2023 at 10:38 PM.
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