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Old 06-29-2023, 09:37 PM   #236
FOFC Survivor
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Wentzville, MO
You make your way to the central atrium, which serves as sort of a shopping mall. Stores line the tall and open market tower, forming a sort of vertical shopping mall connected by a series of elevators.

Wandering the Atrium:

You meander through the atrium while looking at the sights and people. Someone bumps into you and runs off quickly. Suspecting they stole from you, you chase. D20+CON+Athlete.

18-1+2. You catch up to them and get your 3 credits back.

Marco's Medical Stop Kiosk:

A medical kiosk that offers self diagnosis and treatment packages.
Med Kits: 5 credits, Antidote 10 credites.

We have 3 kits and 2 antidotes so we pass.

Sidney's Supreme Supplements:

A store displaying holographic pills and drugs draws your attention. They offer some quality wares.

These are essentially potions that a D4 for a certain trait to a single page. I'll pass on this.

Tardamay Plaza:

Various market stalls host aliens making food, synthesized and traditionally cooked as well.

We have 2 rations. We'll take 2 more.

A marsupial with a hooded cloak offers you a sample of his roasted Karnadon skewer If you accept, D20+CON+Danger Sense.

Umm, no thanks.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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